COPIC Stake Pool

Josh and Rob the Co-CEOs of Cornucopias announced the new COPIC Stake Pool on Friday 26th April 2024 on their YouTube podcast COPI Cafe Episode 89.

Within the first 48 hours after launch, the COPIC Stake Pool had gained the support of over 200 delegates and over 4M ADA had been staked. โ€‹Thank you all so much for supporting our project.

The COPIC Stake Pool rewards delegates with $COPI and NOT ADA rewards. All proceeds from the COPI Stake Pool go towards supporting the development of Cornucopias.

Ticker Name: COPIC

Stake Pool Node ID: 0836ac65915682ad8c7c138a61f354e31711f92f1b53442cd4a89b0b

Live Since: Wednesday 1st May 2024

Pledge: 10,000 ADA (provided by Cornucopias)

Margin: 99.9%

Fixed Cost: 170 ADA

The COPIC Stake Pool requires a number of servers to run and is maintained by the Cornucopias Team.โ€‹

How is the COPIC Stake Pool performing?

To see a real-time picture of how the COPIC Stake Pool is performing in terms of stake, number of delegates and blocks produced, the following sites are very useful:

More information on the parameters mentioned above and what is involved in running a Cardano Stake Pool can be found here.โ€‹

Last updated