Bubblejett Sprinter 2022

The First Public NFT from Cornucopias launched on 4th March 2022, part of the Flying Vehicle Series

The Bubblejett Sprinter is a flying vehicle that is used to travel from the Sector Hub to the Themed Zones or the City. It can also be used for racing and is a Racing Class C vehicle.

The price of ADA (₳) was $0.9028 on 4th March 2022.

Maximum Supply: 12,000

Minted: Friday 4th March 2022

Mint Price: 120 ADA (₳) ($108.5)

Delivery Method: via Derp Birds - SOLD OUT within 3 1/2 hours

Secondary Market

jpg.store https://www.jpg.store/collection/cornucopias-bubblejett-sprinter2022

Policy ID: e282271ec9251ba23fb123b0f53618b35cf5a6cde4170c003a0ebf13

Colors and Rarities

  • Crimson Red - Common (45% rarity)

  • Tiger Orange - Uncommon (27% rarity)

  • Ghost Silver - Rare (18% rarity)

  • Caribbean Blue - Legendary (9% rarity)

  • Rockabilly Pink - Mythic (1% rarity)


The Bubblejett Sprinter has the following utility within Cornucopias

  • It is a flying vehicle and is used to travel from the Sector Hub to the Themed Zones or the City.

  • It can be used for racing in a Mega Dome such as Calido Valley.

  • You will be able to rent your NFT to other players to play or race with.

  • You will be able to stake your NFT.

  • It looks great in your garage and you will be able to show it off to your friends when they visit your home bubble.

  • As an NFT, it will form part of your Cornucopias NFT collection.

  • You own the NFT asset and will be able to sell or trade it.

See also Rarity and Fair Distribution

The original mint date was the 25th February 2022, but due to congestion on the Cardano network that spiked just after the sale was announced, the mint was postponed until the 4th March 2022.

The 2022 Bubblejett Sprinter Range

Crimson Red 2022 Bubblejett Sprinter - Common - only 5,400 in existence

Tiger Orange 2022 Bubblejett Sprinter - Uncommon - only 3,240 in existence

Ghost Silver 2022 Bubblejett Sprinter - Rare - only 2,160 in existence

Caribbean Blue 2022 Bubblejett Sprinter - Legendary - only 1,080 in existence

Rockabilly Pink 2022 Bubblejett Sprinter - Mythic - only 120 in existence

A perfect 100 (based on 100% rarity) were reserved for the team and marketing and were distributed randomly. Only 1 Mythic (which represented the 1% rarity) as expected was in this group.

Last updated