
Discord is an instant messaging and digital distribution platform. Users communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers".

Discord has played an important part in the history of Cornucopias and has been utilized as a Community tool from its inception. The Cornucopias Discord server is FREE to join and there are many channels for members to discover and chat in. The Cornucopias Community are very hospitable and like to maintain a Family Friendly environment.

Occasionally there are official Voice AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) events where the creators of Cornucopias are available to answer community questions.

By being a member of the Cornucopias Discord, users will be able to see announcements before they are shared on Social Media. In addition, our backend NFT marketplace uses Discord roles for managing whitelists and website access.

Discord Roles

Discord Roles refers to a set of permissions with a name. There are a number of Roles available for members, and it is common for members to have multiple roles:


All new users to Discord are Cornucopians and receive this role.

OG | Old Guard

Discord OGs are members that arrived here before October 13, 2021. They are the original members that have been with Cornucopias since the beginning.

The OG role is still open to all to obtain, to find out more visit Discord and go to the #how-to-become-og thread.

The OG role is awarded to members of the community that have shown their support through helping others, being respectful and kind, and having genuine conversations in chat with fellow community members.

The OGs will grow in proportion to the overall community, so it is considered "open". OGs are the first responders when we are looking to test anything internally or need support on heavy traffic days.


This role is given to the main Discord administrators. These are Cornucopias employees.

The Masterminds

The Cornucopias Founders and Channel Gatekeepers have this role.

[CORN] Moderator | [Language]

Community members helping to support new and existing community members receive this role. There are multiple Roles for different languages.

Mod In Training

Community members training to become a full Discord Moderator receive this role.

[NFT] Holder

There are many versions of this discord role and it is given to members who hold and verify individual Cornucopias NFTs. Some NFTs come with their own discord channel, and some perks of holding this role include a better chance of minting future NFTs.

Digital Architects

Community members that have participated in community challenges and won may receive this role.


Community members that are also Social Media influencers, i.e. they run a popular YouTube or Twitter channel, etc, can receive this role.

Last updated