
Real Life Tree Planting verified on the Cardano Blockchain

Cornucopias community helps to bridge the metaverse with the real-world by planting real trees!

Leading up to the initial Cornucopias land sale, an NFT sale was created to test the performance of the internally built NFT marketplace website involving NFT Trees.

It was called the "NFT2Tree". This is a VERY special NFT because it made a real world impact by vertitree planting an actual Forest within Senegal, Africa on behalf of Cornucopias.

The Cornucopias NFT2Tree is a unique and environmentally conscious way to bridge the gap between the metaverse and real life! Cornucopias is helping to lead the restorative economy by partnering with veritree, a restorative project that recently planted 1,001,000 trees with the help of the Cardano Foundation!

The veritree project has a long history of planting trees across the globe in an effort to sequester CO2 from our atmosphere, and restore locations that have been devastated by deforestation. veritree uses a suite of tools to verify tree planting efforts, then publishes the planting data on chain. Minting trees on Cardano assures that the trees cannot be double counted.

Once our Senegal trees have been planted, we will have our very own veritree webpage where we can monitor the growth and statistics of our forest! Lastly, every penny earned from secondary royalties will be allocated to planting additional trees in The Cornucopias Forest!​

Key Takeaways: 1). 100% of the sale amount from the initial and future NFT2Tree sales goes directly to veritree to continue to plant additional real world trees. 2). 100% of the 5% royalties will go to veritree (spawning more IRL trees!). 3). The forest planting details will occur when we achieve the desired amount for a forest.

Together, we are planting verified trees

Here is the blockchain verifiable dashboard of the trees Cornucopias has paid to be planted to date thanks to the NFT2Tree Series.

Last updated